Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Human Nature

Several kinds of climate, various kinds of people
Wonderful imagination, God excellent is your creation
All kinds of people lovely, ugly, dull, smart,
Honest, cruel, disloyal, greedy, generous, envious or mad

To whom should I trust who is the best
Words form sentence used for communication
Some makes soothing, some creates wound
For most kinds of circumstances tongue is the reason

People feel pride for all its creation
God created universe no boasting, no attachment
Honesty and treachery together dwelling on earth
Searching everywhere benefit some people doing sin

Selfish is human's nature right from the birth
They love people according to their needs
Who should be given respect? who should be loved?
Depends on the need and status of the person

Everyone finds interest in love stories and love
Eventually they come to know it was not love but affection
The genuine love of mother, the real love of father
who selflessly spends time along with wealth
Just for the happiness and progress of children

God please save the nature of human
which is slowly converting to the nature of animal
who leave their parents with no respect and emotion
Sight covered with desire has no view for devotion

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Monk's Song

I am the monk not by birth
I am the monk made by self
Selfless people very few on the earth
Recommend to be strong, as possible don't take any help

I was having lots of desire
Ambition was to get all I want
Wants were unlimited burning peace like fire
Little happiness for achievement, big worry for which I can't

Sometimes failure, sometimes success
No satisfaction in anyone of them
Failure making humble, success making careless
Where is the happiness? What is real gem?

Expecting the same with whatever I had done
Anger and sadness, since unexpected happens most
Doing things with desire is always painful one
Expecting love in return provides sorrow most

Living the life of monk is the best
No pain for loss no anger with anyone
Mind attached with God, life detached with rest
Neither expecting love nor respect in return

No bias with anyone, no appetite for tasty food
People with lovely hearts are my relative
Living with good ones makes feel good
Whatever the life gives I consider it positive

Since everyone is equal in my sight
Beautiful, ugly are not two different things in my life
That's why there is no reason for envy and fight
Without prejudice I follow honesty and truth in life

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The poet of soothing heart

I am the poet, the poet of soothing heart
Friends call me 'Thakur', My name is 'Vikas'
No secrets in my mind, my life is poetic part
Light-Hearted is my nature, bears all pain which pass

I am the poet, Poet 'Vikas', who writes all emotion
Sometimes by own, sometimes by suggestion
Friends tease me broken heart
But I feel proud for that
I consider the God as my friend
Whenever I call him anywhere, anytime he attend

My love is true for those who deserve
To whom I love, in my heart they get preserve
Without any ego, I try to make them life's part
In spite of this, I get the reward as broken heart

Since my heart is broken, I am not emotionally attached
I stay away from love, I am completely detached
Help everybody in this world with whatever you have
My parents taught me this and prevent from argument with those who nag

I want happiness in service, since no happiness in Love
I never involve in quarrel, it's always better being dove

I want to be strong with very strong mind
I'll write poem on humanity making hearts kind

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

दुःख देता है प्यार

तोड़ तोड़ के दिल को मेरे दिल मेरा उड़ा दिया
क्या रक्खा है प्यार व्यार में खुद को मैं समझा लिया
प्यार व्यार न मुझसे होगा दिल मेरा सनका गया
इतने दिन तक प्यार से बातें जो वह मुझसे करती थी
मैं तो समझा प्यार था उसको वह तो मुझपे मरती थी
जाना परखा उसने मुझको जान लिया जानकारी मेरी
सीधा साधा मैं बिचारा सोचा क्या बात है इसमें डरने की
मैंने सोचा मैं हूँ इसका ये भी मेरी होगी
इसके सिवा न दिल में मेरे और कोई होगा
ऐसा मैंने न किया तो उसके साथ होगा धोका
मैं तो रहता सोच में उसके, उसकी बातें करता मैं
वह न मेरा कहना माने, अपने मन की करती वह
बाकि सब का कहना माने, न जाने ठेस मुझे क्यूँ देती 
करता कोशिश खुश करने की, उतनी बेईज्ज़ती करती वह
न भूल सकू, न छोड़ सकू, नाही मैं खुश रेह सकू
दुःख देता तेरा प्यार है मुझको, नफरत अब मुझे प्यार शब्द से 
ऐसा ही तुझको करना था तो, मेरे दिल में प्यार न भरना था
कोई बात नहीं, न नाराज मैं तुझसे, तूने मेरी आँखें खोली
न पड़ना मुझको प्यार व्यार में, बदल जाते है लोग कभी भी 
कविता लिखना है मेरा काम, अब मैं करूँगा बस इसिपे ध्यान
खुश रहता था मैं कितना पहले, प्यार होगया है दुःख का कारण
यार मिटा इस गम को कोई, प्यार नहीं तो ना ही सही  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

No Real Love

Real love is dying in this world
With the death of loyalty
Fun is the reason somewhere, somewhere its wealth

Not blaming to single person,
many following this reality
People make the fun of them,
those who describes love as humanity

Person carrying tears in their eyes
expecting love in reality
Era is changed, now love is known as insanity

Truth and trust the root of love,
People play with both like ball of snow
Respect the love, because God likes love
Not saying by myself that everyone know

Don't let the love die, don't make anyone cry
Love your parents, love your friends,
Love should be everywhere never let the love end

Love is devotion, love is emotion
Peace and Mercy surrounds that location
Lack of love gives pain to all
Neither stays happy nor makes anyone else

Make an effort to grow your love
Never let your love gets die

Sunday, September 1, 2013

अजनबी का जीवन जीता हूँ

अजनबी का जीवन जीता हूँ
कवी में खुद को कहता हूँ
हर दिन मैं सोच में रेहता हूँ
कुछ समझ में आए तो लिखता हूँ

हर मानव से कुछ सीखता हूँ
बात सभी की सुनता हूँ
पर अपने ही मन की करता हूँ
कविता लिखने को उत्सुक रेहता हूँ

कडवी बात न करता हूँ
कोई मजाक करे तो सेहता हूँ
सादा जीवन ही जीता हूँ
हर बात पे कविता लिखता हूँ

मैं सभी से घुल मिल रेहता हूँ
पर मोह किसी से न करता हूँ
मोह हुआ तो मैं रोता हूँ
बिछड़ने से मैं डरता हूँ

ध्यान प्रभु का मैं करता हूँ
श्लोक भी कभी कभी पढता हूँ
परिणाम से ना कभी डरता हूँ
कोई गलत काम नहीं करता हूँ

कोई पढ़े न पढ़े मैं लिखता हूँ
कविता लिख कर खुश होता हूँ

Thursday, August 15, 2013

देश भक्त की कविता

आज़ादी का दिन है आज
यहाँ न चले अब किसीका राज
प्रेम, अहिंसा का यहाँ रिवाज़
पर शत्रु तुम दूर ही  रहना देश हमरा वीरों का समाज

आपस में न करो बवाल
पहले खुद से करो सवाल
देश भक्त तुम खुद को कहते
क्यूँ धरती के टुकड़े करते

सीमा पे जो खड़े जवान
उन्ही के कारन है देश महान
देश के लिए वे देते प्राण
प्रान्त की वे बात न करते सारा देश एक सामान

छबीस जनवरी और पंद्रह अगस्त
बस यही दो दिन क्यूँ रहते मस्त
रोज करो तुम देश की पूजा
अपने देश सा न कोई दूजा

सीचे खेत बोये धान
जिनको कहते है हम किसान
देता है कोई इन पर भी ध्यान?
ये न हो तो, न रहेगा का जान

देश बाँटने की जो करे बात
कभी न देना उसका साथ
देश भक्त को खरीद सके, नहीं यहाँ किसी की अवकात
कविता लिख कर मैंने कहदी, अपने सारी दिल की बात

Saturday, August 10, 2013


I can see the loneliness in your eyes
The pain and sorrow hiding behind your laugh
Are you missing someone close, reason for your wet eyes?
Hear to the entire world but absorb only half

You laugh at the silly joke
Speaks to anyone, trying to make everyone friend
Salute to all, no idea can make internal sadness broke
Friends of lovely heart, events of happiness never want to end

People you like got separated with some reason
Remaining with which you stay are of no interest
Memories of them willing to meet them in some season
Sometimes they make you cry take away your rest

Appreciate your feelings appreciate your thought
You are the person of lovely heart
Ready to spend all you have for the sake of happiness's pot
At first meeting people starts loving you, Person of innocent heart

Nothing going to change for lonely heart in crowd of world
For you are the best person I ever met in the world

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Friend

Friendship is an emotion, lasting till the end
Life is going to end one day, no end exists for friendship
In company of yours, loneliness gets suspended
We argue for each other with those doing mischief

Habits are different, but character match a lot
Agree with all, the fact, disagree doesn't belong
Odor of love flows all over like roses kept in pots
Whatever world may consider us our friendship is eternal strong

Never believe in others thought not interested in who is what?
We are friends, I am correct and he is right
Phases of life we carry together in our friendship's cart
Time spent together is most valuable, happy and bright

You are the family living outside my home
Eyes search for your presence in your absence
The mind gets delighted at every meeting else it starts to roam
Life with you is sensible without you, it's nonsense    

Sunday, July 21, 2013


What do I need, for what am I sad?
All things are correct nothing is bad
Where should I go to get rid of this pain?
Where is the happiness in sunshine or rain?

Whatever I see well, I want it for me
For I know I can't get all, I don't want it to see
Feelings not stable day by day it change
No one is so brilliant to measure mind's range

All days not so good, some days are very odd
That's why I want to follow the path of God
For the things I have achieve I have fear to loss
Thoughts of these kinds are like mind covered with moss

For the people I know those who are my friends
I want them to be with me on whom my happiness depends
But I know this is impossible as everyone will leave someday
Thoughts of separations let my minds starts pray

But when I begin to pray my knowledge grows
More enjoyment I do more attachment it grows
The path of divine prevents from the emotion
It is the enlightenment with happiness equal to ocean

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I hate you Angry person

I hate you the person of Anger
What is the reason, what is your fever?
You speak so bitter so hot like heater
Sorrow in your environment like flood in river

Painful is to talk with you
Even necessary things are difficult to ask with you
Never laugh in happiness but laugh to show your hate
Silence you take away noise you circulate

Consider all are wrong your words like thorn
No words of love you just speak to warn
Loneliness your achievement you don't like frank
No space to hear truth in your mind's tank

People says you are born to create hate
No one said I like your anger you are great
Your body like oven burning flow of blood
Man of sorrow you are covered with ego's mud

Friday, June 14, 2013

दोस्ती में पंगा

जा रखले तू सारी कसमे
मै जान गया तेरी रस्मे
क्या खूब निभाई है तूने
बड़ी भूल हुई तुझसे मिलके

ज़रा याद तू करले दिन अपने
क्या कभी दर्द दिया है हम सबने
नाराज हुआ तू किस गम से
मेरे भाई बता तू हम सबसे

बिंदास तू चल, चल घर अपने
कोई गलती हुई तो माफ़ करदे
हर बात बता मन साफ़ करले
ना क्रोध दिखा बर्बाद करके

तू चलबे, तू चलबे
रहना तू मुझसे दूर तब तक
मेरी जान चली न जाये जब तक
कोई बात नहीं करनी तुझसे
नहीं गलती हुई कोई मुझसे
पर माफ़ी मै मांगता हूँ तुझसे
जो अकड़ गया सो बिछड़ गया
दिल टूट गया तो सब बिखर गया

आग लगा फिर जल से बुझा
तेरी आदत मुझको सब है पता
पहले दिल को दुख फिर दिल से मना
कब सुधरेगा तू मेरी जान बता

अब न होगा कोइ दोस्ती में पंगा
ये मान ले अब सब कुछ चंगा

तो हाथ बढ़ा और गले लग जा
जीना मुश्किल है तेरे बिना