Saturday, December 6, 2014

मैं हूँ शाकाहारी

मॉ धरती का पुत्र हूँ
नमन किसान को करता ।
भोजन सरल मैं करता हूँ
शाकाहारी स्वयम को केह्ता हूँ ।

दूध दही भी पीता हूँ
गाय को मय्या केह्ता हूँ ।
स्वास्थ भी बढिया रेह्ता है
हर जीव पे मुझको करुणा है ।

है इतना सब कुछ खाने को
सो भय नही देता मैं पशुओ को । 
पशुए भय से कॉपे जब
मेरे हृदय मैं चिंता होती तब ।

ठीक नही है पशु का वध
विवश पशु न बोले एक शब्द ।
विविध सब्जिया विविध स्वाद
स्वास्थ सुधारे , किसान का प्रयास ।

जैसा चाहे वैसा उगाए 
बीज बोए खेत बाग लगाए । 
सारे जीव का प्राण बचाए
हिंसा से ना भूक मिटाए । 

दया बढाए क्रोध घटाए
हर प्राणी से प्रेम बढाए ।
हरयाली से देश सजाए 
मैं हूँ शाकाहरी, गर्व से गाए ।

Friday, November 7, 2014

The cool guy

Don't involve me in arguments
either you are right or I am right
I don't want to prove anything
I don't want to fight
I am cool guy, deep inside from heart

Don't provoke my anger,
I completely dislike
I avoid the company of people,
those who speak harsh or never speak polite

I love innocence, innocent people are divine
There is no use of that cleverness,
that is used to harm somebody's life.

God love the person who is honest from deep inside
Not harming to others, but fulfilling one's desire
Also helping to others in need whenever required

I am the poet of soothing heart or simply call me 'Vikas'
I love to write thoughts,
read it only if you like.

Angry words spoken to me, I never like to memorize
So I do not carry hatred and I do not supply worries
Because I am cool, I am cool guy

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Appreciate generously

Appreciating others is not simple task
It requires courage and honesty in thought
Go ahead and appreciate, no need to ask
Let's fill happiness in everyone's life's pot

Overcome jealousy with mercy in heart
Let's pray together for success of all
Praising honestly is fraternity's art
So I love to say thanking you all

Ability of greatness grows even without appreciation
So why we are miser in saying little thought
Selfishness and envy for others refuse to pay attention
Whole-hearted person always appreciate a lot

Speak whatever in brain, not whatever in mind
What is the benefit in praising, this thought pulls back
But I am generous in thought and I want to be kind
This is way of happiness preventing all envious attack

It is the gift which is free of cost
But has to spend truth by generous in thought
Those who can do this make happy others without any cost
Emotions of envy will be destroyed in a lot

Saturday, September 6, 2014

स्वाधीनता दिवस कि कविता

लक्ष्य थे उनके सब से श्रेष्ठ
केवल स्वतंत्रता केवल देश ।
और न कोई थी उनकी इच्छा
एकता का दिया सन्देश ।

वंदे मातरम, वंदे मातरम ॥

देश ही देश बसा था मन मे
पुरब पस्चिम उत्तर दक्षिण ।
एक से एक थे वीर बहादुर
प्राण दे गये देश के हेतु  ।

वंदे मातरम, वंदे मातरम ॥

दर्पण जैसे थे उन के मन
हृदय से करते थे देश कि चिंतन ।
अपने सुख को त्याग दिया था
बलिदानो से उनका जीवन भरा था ।

वंदे मातरम, वंदे मातरम ॥

उत्तम देश कि थी उनकी इच्छा
स्वतंत्र विचार सबकी सुरक्षा ।
शत्रु को भी नही दी कभी हानी
विश्व को दिया अहिंसा कि वाणी ।

वंदे मातरम, वंदे मातरम ॥

कोटी प्रणाम करु प्रशंसा
स्वतंत्रता के हर एक सैनिक को ।
आभार प्रगट मै करता हूँ
हर देश भक्त से प्रेम करता हूँ ।

वंदे मातरम, वंदे मातरम ॥

Friday, August 8, 2014

Only Mercy

Peace is born whenever the mind is in state of mercy
That's why I call peace, the child of mercy
Mercy creates happiness not allow place for sin
With act of mercy every heart you can win

Anger appears then mercy disappears
When mercy appears then anger disappears
Choose whatever you want, everything in our hand
I love to choose mercy, to make peaceful land

Mercy enters from heart, comes out from eyes
In environment of mercy, mind feels very nice
Anger is the pain, so angry shares pain
Mercy provides peace like shower of rain

Lots of merciful people make the place as heaven
Lots of angry people make the place as oven
I wish everyone's success, I pray to grow mercy
Whole world is one family, dwells together with mercy

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Breathing Honesty

No achievement is bigger than honesty in life
The most important work is to live honestly in life
Who is the monitor to check my honesty?
God is the judge of universe, monitoring my honesty

Brilliant may be superior, mighty may be great
People living honestly are superior as well as great
Greatest among people is the person who speaks truth
Honesty is fragrance and healthy tasty fruit

Honesty retains peace, even in failures and situations very odd
Peace of mind is obtained, by honesty as reward
I love to follow honesty, not doing it forcefully
All time honesty will make me and others happy eventually

Those who have heart with merciful thought
Pity for others always inspires honesty in thought
For making someone happy honesty is tool
Everything with honesty is genuine happiness rule

Disappointment does not exists in the life of honest people
As rising on each fall is the nature of honest people
Honesty is like the rays of sun light
Proud for oneself making everything bright

Sunday, June 1, 2014

माँ से बड़ा ना कोई जगत में

मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम राम, जगतगुरु कृष्ण श्याम
करते है जगत में देखो, सब माँ का सम्मान |
भगवान से मिलवा दिया माँ ने, देखो ध्रुव और पार्थ
माँ की ममता में खोए है सब, माँ होती है निस्वार्थ |

चरण स्पर्श रोज माता का, है अपने देश का रिवाज 
दौड़ पडो सब छोड़ छाड़ के जब माँ दे तुमको आवाज़ |
हर लेती सब दुख कष्ट को, देती है वरदान
जो करे माँ का सेवा सम्मान वो होजाए गुणवान  |

बिन मांगे ही सब दे देती, न उस से कुछ अनजान
कोई नही इस जगत में देखो, माँ से बड़ा और महान |
क्रोध करके जब गाली देती, गाली नही वो आशीष है
सुख है उसका संतान के सुख से, संतान के लिए वो कवच है |

ठाकुर विकास भी चला है आज, कविता लिखने माँ के नाम
कहते है देखो गणेश भगवान, माँ के चरणो में चारो धाम |
जीवन की घड़ी में जब लगे ना कोई आस है
बस ये बात याद रखना की मेरी माँ मेरे पास है |

जीवन के हर क्षण में, रखना माँ का ध्यान
माँ से बड़ा ना जगत में कोई, ममता से उँचा ना कोई स्थान |
करना प्रेम और आज्ञा पालन, करना उसका सम्मान
स्मरण रहे भूल से भी हो ना पाए, कभी माँ का अपमान |

प्रेम का अर्थ माता, हम कहते अपने देश को भारत माता
भूक, प्यास मिटाने वाली, धरती, नदिया हमारी माता |
संतान का ना साथ छोड़े, देखो पशु पक्षीयो की माता
ईश्वर के पश्चात जगत में, सबसे बड़ी है माता |

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Actual Leader

Leader should be the person braver than the others
People follow them, because they are born to help others
Leadership is the quality, not mere the title
People don't try to achieve the qualities, just runs behind the title

Try to achieve the qualities, if you want to be actual leader
Satisfying others needs, becoming their hope is the quality of leader
They don't create affections, they bind people by love
Real intention to help, provide help in reality, gets back real love

Arrogance, ego and aggressiveness are the enemies of the leader
Politeness, chivalry and mercy are the strength of the leader
Developing the capabilities to provide needs of others
Speaking frankly for improving self and others

Leader neither hurts anyone nor tries to dominate
People follow them by the work of inspirations they create
Some of them think leader should be able to order
But actual leader listens to all and reduce their bother

Leaders should be magnetic by power of the speech
Followers should obey leader for whatever virtue they teach

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Competition-The pain

Success gives happiness if the purpose is excellence;
success gives sadness if the purpose is dominance.
I am trying to set these thoughts in my mind,
wherever I go, in situations of any kind.

Competition raise hatred if rival is stronger,
worsens your confidence, makes you feel smaller.
Wok with full confidence, try to achieve perfection,
don't compare with others, never involve in competition.

Don't lose honesty, life is not a race;
achieve your goal ethically at your own pace.
It's happiness with satisfaction to become the best,
it's painful if you consider yourself better than the rest.

Thoughts should be to go ahead and better than before,
bullies speaks bitter to involve you to compete and discourage you more.
Don't lose your patience, just concentrate on work,
let your final results make their overconfidence junk.

Isolate your mind, try to fully concentrate,
you will become the best with compassionate.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prayer of the intense Devotee

Hare Krishna Hare Rama, Hare Krishna Hare Rama
Love you so much, save devotees from the trauma
God you are so great, no envy at your place
Your love is for good soul, your love not for face

I want to be yours and devotee of your devotees
Far away from worries, your devotees provides peace
I want to be follower of devotee, I am their fan
Because they are the messenger of God, not just man

Devotion is happiness, satisfaction and mind's peace
Pain, greed, anger, envious thoughts gets decrease
Hare Krishna Hare Rama, Hare Krishna Hare Rama,
Love you so much, save devotees from the trauma

Lord, they surrender themselves completely in you
In all circumstances, in whatever they do
You bless in all their work, makes them great
In needs, in pain of devotees, you can't wait

All those close to God, never hurts others
Devotees can bear pain but no plaint to Lord like others
 They never commit sin at any circumstances of life
They worship Lord, to get rid of situations like poking knife

Hare Krishna Hare Rama, Hare Krishna Hare Rama
Love you so much, save devotees from the trauma

Sunday, February 2, 2014

सुनो सत्य न रहो दुखी

सच्चाई से मुह न मोड़ो
क्रोध करके प्रेम न तोड़ो
सुनकर सहो या करो अन्सुना
सच्चाई तो सच्चाई है, बुराई से श्रेष्ठ दुगुना

मान लो बात सच्चाई कि
दुःख दे तुमको या लगे कडुवा
डाट के लड़के बात दबादो
सच नहीं दबता, न रहता अधूरा

अहंकारी, क्रोधी, ईर्षालु, बेईमान
करते है सदा सच्चाई का अपमान
करना नहीं उनको किसी का आदर
बड़ा या छोटा, ओढ़ के सिर पे घमंड का चादर

सत्य नहीं सेह सकता कायर
भड़के गा, भागेगा, बोलेगा कुछ उल्टा
कमज़ोर को देगा गाली
दात पीस के रेह जाये गा यदि मिले बलशाली

सत्य सुन ने कि जिसमे क्षमता नहीं
पाता नहीं सम्मान कभी, न बनता कभी ज्ञानी
करते है जो सदा मनमानी
त्याग दो उनको, करने दो नादानी

नहीं सुधरते, रहते दुखी और अपमानित
वे सुधरेंगे हालात से, न मेरे तुम्हारे वाणी से
न दया, न आंसू, न इनके आँखों में है पानी
वे तो रोते है अपने ही कर्म से, सदा बनते ज्ञानी

सुनो सत्य न रहो दुखी
न करो प्रयास उसे दबाने कि
सबकी सुनो सबकी सहो
बस सत्य करो, पर किसी को न उल्टा कहो

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Devotee and God

Like farmers can see the future of crop
In the empty field by cultivation and water's drop
Devotee can see God in all and everything in God
By reading holy books having faith, not considering it odd

Thanking all to those who like and those who not
Saints are always polite in speech with mercy in thought
Culture and tradition vary with place and vary with time
God incarnates number of times for sake of saints, to eradicate crime

Every person of little achievement don't come without invitation
How can one expect God will come without prayer for prevention
O! Mighty, King of universe, its creator and destroyer
Everything is God's creation, planet, creature, water and fire

The merciful heart, selfless thought and mind in God
Honest, kind, peaceful and calm are the real devotee of God
Not saying by myself, explained and sung by Lord Krishna himself
This can be understand by reading sacred books and devotee's help

Preaching of Saints, company of good people
Provides real happiness and solution to life's riddle